
Liliya Gurenkova

Board Member
Email: ld@ticf.org

I myself was a drug user and experienced a lot of hard and difficult times, but then it all ended and a new, clean, and sober life began.

I began my work in the social sphere at the municipal narcology dispensary where I worked for five years as a social worker.

In 2011 I began my mission at the Philanthropic Fund for Health Care and Rights Defense of Citizens (Timur Islamova Fund). The organization helps to solve the problems of and provide services for HIV positive women, women IDUs, and women affected by significant diseases and their families.

Taking into consideration that all non-profit organizations in Russia do not simply communicate, but that they interact with each other, I became familiar with EVA. This women’s assisting organization, and I, as a woman and as a person with drug use history and life with HIV want, can, and am ready to participate, help, develop and achieve improvements in the quality of life for women affected by these challenges.

Thanks to the efforts of non-profits in many regions and cities, there have been colossal changes in the quality of medical and social care for women living with HIV and for their children!

United we strengthen our position while also helping all women. I want to do my part in the development of the women’s network in general as well as represent the interests of our region, the Republic of Tatarstan.”

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